Belinda Street – Australian Artist
Belinda Street is an Australian Artist, currently living and working in Newcastle, NSW.
Predominantly known for her expressive Australian Landscapes, Belinda Street’s work explores the relationship between representation and abstraction. By abstracting the landscape it allows the artist to expressively blend both the visual characteristics of place with personal feelings, experience and knowledge. So that each painting has it’s own life and individuality– to capture a sense of place which is personal, but also speaks to the viewer.
As I travel and create artworks of the landscape, the more I understand the importance and value of the material gleaned at first hand. To drive, walk, sit, paint, photograph, look and rest, keenly studying each scene. To gain a real sense of each individual landscape, and to gain some understanding of it’s histories and communities. I want to develop a more intimate knowledge of this landscape which I consider to be “local”. To develop a sense of place, a sense of my home and to express the essence of the landscape.